Big Booty Judy πŸ‘

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“Judy got a booty from here to there.” This is a line from the song “Big Booty Judy” by Chris Brown. In this song, he talks about a woman named “Judy” who has a big booty. This is one example of how women are viewed in media.

In media -music, tv, Instagram, YouTube- I’ve noticed how much people talk about butts. I thinks it’s appalling how people think that females having larger butts are better than those with smaller ones. The fact that anyone cares about this at all is even more astonishing.

Many times I have heard girls at school saying how they wished they had a bigger butt, and sometimes even bigger breasts. Stuff like this really irritates me. Because of the media, many females have come to the conclusion that guys won’t think they’re as attractive as others if they have a smaller butt. Often times this leads to females becoming unappreciative of and insecure about their bodies. Due to this insecurity, females tend to want to get plastic surgery.

It’s really sad that females would want to undergo surgery to change their bodies just because they hear on social media that bigger butts are more attractive. So many females even risk their lives getting surgery just to appear more attractive.

Sometimes -and this may seem a bit rude- I find humor in this. I think it’s ironic that people are attracted to females with bigger butts, and yet they want them to be skinny. Honestly, if a person has a bigger butt, they have to have some extra fat on their body because it looks healthy and proportional. Having a big butt and toothpick legs does not look proportional at all. In fact, it looks unhealthy and even tacky at times.

Something else to keep in mind is that most women on social media who have bigger butts are African American/black. And this is not always because they get surgery, but because it’s natural. Black females (mostly) have naturally larger butts than females of other ethnic backgrounds. Black women also tend to have bigger lips and breasts, which are also attractive to most men and desired by most women.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are people from other ethnic backgrounds who have naturally larger butts, breasts, or lips. But those traits are more prevalent in black women -at least that I have come to learn. And given the fact that I too come from a black family, I have seen firsthand many black women with these traits, sometimes not all together, but they often do have at least one. But this is just my personal experience.

Sometimes when I hear about people wanting to get plastic surgery -to get bigger butts or any other physical trait- I wonder if that’s considered cultural appropriation. I mean, if the desire to have straighter hair is considered appropriation, isn’t the desire to have other specific bodily characteristics known to be prevalent in those of another ethnicity another form of cultural appropriation? And more than that, surgery is a virtually permanent change, as scars could remain forever if not plastic implants as well, while straightened hair can return to its original texture. This is not to throw shade at anyone, but these are some things that I’ve always been curious about.

More importantly, I think that people should love themselves for who they are and whatever body type they have. And if they don’t, I don’t think they should undergo surgery to change themselves just to fit into the absurd qualifications for attractiveness.

 A lot of the time, I feel as if I’m wrong to think that wanting bigger butts or other bodily features is stupid. I hate having to feel like I’m not attractive just because of my body type, and I’m sure other people feel the same -both males and females alike.

I think people need to realize that there are more important things than having a bigger butt, like your health. As long as we’re healthy, we shouldn’t worry about what other people think of our bodies, nor should we ourselves care about having a different body type.

I know this can seem a bit hypocritical given the fact that no one can ever truly not care about what others think, but I think it’s worth a try. At the end of the day someone’s almost always gonna want what we have, and we’re almost always going to want what others have.

But I think we should try to appreciate the things we have and the things we don’t have because with or without those things, we are who we are.

So, no thanks Big Booty Judy. You can keep your butt. I’m gonna go somewhere else and appreciate myself.


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